Tube pre around 1000, Audible Illusions or belles

Ive been wanting to get into a tube pre for a long time, now that I have my chance Im at a cross roads. Ive read alot of good things about the audible illusions L2, and I would have already bought an L2 but I havent seen any on AGON. However, because I havent found any its made me look else where, my second choice, belles 21a. I heard a belles pre a long time ago but thought it was a little tubey sounding,( it was on a tube amp) but I still liked the sound alot. But it was a long time ago and I dont realy rememeber anything but I liked it. SO THE QUESTION REMAINS, SHOULD I CONTINUE TO WAIT ON THE AUD ILLUS L2, OR SHOULD I GO WITH THE BELLES 21a. Anyway to sum up, I like a nice ballence of warmth and detail, I dont like symbalince, or somthing thats so nuetral the sound is dead. I like the sound that jumps right at you and you just think Sh*t Thats good .
My system now, Classe ca200; mirage m1 speakers; tara labs speaker cables; audioquest interconnects; marantz cdp

Galen Carol Audio has a very recent Quicksilver tubed preamp for $750.00. The sound of that unit might very well suit you. Positive-feedback reviewed one if you're not familiar.
I have a belles 21A with a classe amp, CA2200 and they sound very good together. I would strongly recommend one with the Auricap capacitors. These are four very large yellow capacitors that can be seen in the vent holes. I think that it was a steal at $3000 and used even more so.