Prima Luna Dialogue 2 or Cayin A100?

I just returned from CES 2010. I own a pair of Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors and I am looking for a very MUSICAL tube integrated amp. For some time now I have decided on the Cayin A100 (100 watts w/8 KT88) as the SF speakers require power. The Cayin is also reviewed as being very musical with a lush sound stage and is well built. Then I visited Prima Luna and was quite taken by the Dialogue 2. Half the power of the Cayin (PL uses 4 KT88), very well built, auto bias (Cayin isn't) and similar reviews. I listen to jazz of all types, classic rock, blues, and vocals (Holly Cole, Alison Krauss, Krall, etc.). My room is 14 x 26 and I use Acoustic Zen cables. What are the pros/cons of the two amps as you see it? Thank you for your time and feedback.
I have to agree with Saki70. I have used my PL2 with BW 602 s3, Triangle Comete (bright speakers) and just installed De Capo I, and bright is not the word i would use with any of these speakers and the Primaluna. I do have warmer tubes but even with KT88's it was always smooth and non-fatiguing. We listen for hours on the weekends and never want to turn it off.
WOW! Thanks for all of the suggestions. Here are the changes that I made and -- for now -- my problem of "brightness to an extreme" has been solved.

I shared my problem with Brent at and he suggested I insert NOS Telefunken 12AU7 smooth plate tubes and NOS Sylvania 6L6 power tubes. This move was costly but I figured that I wanted to make this tube change once with noticeable results.

The outcome is fantastic. The harsh high end is gone, the bottom is better supported, and the mids . . . oh, the mids are awesome. Add to this, the 3D sound stage and instrument placement is to die for. My Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors vanish in the room and I am left with a very VISUAL musical experience. In particular, disc 1 of the new stereo re master Beatles White Album and all of Abbey Road is a completely new experience. As is Rene Olstead, Bluesquest, Alison Kraus, and many other SACDs in my collection.

So, thank you to everyone who chimed in to help me. You are the reason that I frequent
Good for you, Dramapsycho - It makes me deeply regret having sold my Prima Luna, which I had such a great deal on. The chance of finding one in that condition at that price again in Japan is probably about nill.

As some sort of compensation from the Gods, however, I just upgraded my Ah! Njoe Tjoeb CD player with the upsampler and Siemens 7308 gold pin tubes, and now I am totally happy with the sound of my system, and don't feel I need a new amp anymore, so long as I only play CDs.