SET Recommendation

I want to try a 2a3 or EL84 SET but want to make a modest initial investment to hear what everyone raves about. So far; Dared, Bottlehead, Zen amps in the $5-700.00 range interest me the most. Any other recommendations or comparisons between these are greatly appreciated.
Putting together a 2a3 based system can become a very expensive proposition especially if you are not into DIY speakers. You will need very sensitive speaker with a benigh impedance which will necessitaste very low noise tubes and associated equipment. 2a3 ET based systems can be very frustrating if not done right, but also very rewarding when everything comes together.
Thanks for the great replies and informing me about each tubes. I'm not looking to shake the building with this system, just want a sweet easy to listen to system.
May I ask what speakers you would use with one? I'm just curious as I have no idea of examples that would work. I've read about Horne Shoppe Horns, which are fairly inexpensive. Is that the type of speakers Brf might be referring to?