budget amp for Apogee Duetta2's?

I have a pair of Apogee Duetta2 coming.
$800-$1200 to spend on amplification.

looking at (in order of preference):
1) Ayre V-3 (will this drive them?)
2) Aragon 8008BB (afraid it will not be warm enough)
3) B&K M200 monoblocks
4) Bryston 4B ST

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. If any listed will not dive the apogees well please please let me know!

(p.s. sorry, i know i had a similar thread going. I revised and reposted, as i felt not having the speaker name in the title was limiting feedback and probably useful search-ability now the road)
The Apogee Duetta's were voiced with Classe amplification. Try an older DR9, DR25/Model 25 amplifiers, or an even older Classe DR-3 which Jason Bloom used at industry demos.
I had auditioned the Duetta II extensively back in its heydey in the late eighties. The Duettas are balanced very much on the warm side (but conversely can be strident in the upper mids and highs) and like being paired with an amplifier that is very dynamic, clean top end, and with high power. I wouldn't pair it with an amp that is inherently on the warm side. The Duetta can be ponderous and bass heavy with the wrong setup! The Duetta is a nominal 4 ohm load and demands a very good high current amp. The Classe'25 would be a very good match as would the Aragon. I heard the Duetta 2 with the Aragon 4004 and it was very nice. The 8008BB should work very well as it is an even more powerful version of the 4004. I thought the Threshold amps (S300 or preferably S500) of that period were also very good with the Apogee. Also agree that early Classe' designs (DR3,DR8,& DR9) would also work well because of their high current design. Personally, I preferred the Apogees with Threshold over Classe'. The Classe' amps are very 3D with a great soundstage and great musical texture. The Thresholds were livelier and more dynamic.
i had that apogee in earlier years, best is with krell,(which i used mainly) the apogee could go down to around 2 ohm, and many older classe seem OK, cheap buy is older threshold, counterpoint is very good match/sound as well, but reliablity is bad.. good luck on searching