Alternative to 12AX7-EH tube to tubes

I purchased a new to me preamp a couple of weeks ago and would like to replace the tubes. I am a first time tube owner and would appreciate any and all advice. It's an Aronov and is connected to a McIntosh 752.

I would like to lower my noise floor and reduce how hot the signal is on my preamp out. Basically, I want to be able to turn the gain on my amp back up.

Would a Sovtek 5751 be a good alternative?

I want to keep my highs detailed, lows fat, and the mids rich and full.

I would definitely try a 5751(GE black plate or Tung Sol))which has a gain factor of 70, while the 12AX7 is rated at 100, so you would have a 30% gain reduction. I think the 12AT7 mentioned by Yogiboy and rated at 60 might be too drastic a reduction at 40% gain reduction. I think this is especially true if the Aronov has a phono stage.
Thanks for all the help.

I'm going to give the 5751 a try.

I love the Aronov, it is a shame they no longer make gear; stopped in 2008.
I don't think that you will realize very much gain reduction in your pre-amp by using lower gain tubes, it doesn't work that way. Just use the best sounding tubes and use an inline attenuator between your pre and power amp. Rothwell makes some good ones. Take care and good luck!
Does anyone have any updates regarding the Sovtek 5751 tubes? Has anyone used it with their amps and care to share their thoughts? I enjoy 5751 type tubes (currently JJ 5751, previously NOS GE black plate 5751) in my Jolida amp. I was thinking about trying something different with these Sovteks.

Thanks and advise when you can.
I've always found U.S. 5751's to be a bit noisy and microphonic. How are the JJ's 5751's vs. the JJ ECC803s? Anyone??