3 channel amps really good

can some knowledgable people here give me some ideas on brands and models of some really good 3 channel amps for my HT. I have my 2 channel and my pre/pro and speakers ! I'm looking for something really good, thanks ! Oh it needs to be at least 150 wpc true power but could use 200 to 300, thanks for all the help !
What is your budget? I have had excellent results with:
Ayre V-6XE (can be configured with only 3 channels)
McIntosh MC-303
Classe CA-5200

Not sure about 3-channel amps, but locating a Proceed AMP5 (sometimes you can find dead 1/2 channel versions cheap) can be had for $1,400/$1,800. 125/250 and very good, clean power. Tough to beat in a multi-channel amp - despite repairs no longer available. Heck, with a 5-channel version, you can lose two channels and still be happy!
Theta Dreadnaught or Dreadnaught II. I am running my Maggie 3.6's very nicely with 2 channels of my 3 channel Dread II.