NAD vs. Cambridge Audio

I've been researching an integrated amp for my Studio-20s and am thinking NAD or Cambridge Audio. I like the CA 650A but the NAD C355bee
has gotten very good press too. I am looking for something in the 60-90w/ch range.
How does NAD and CA compare in terms of sound quality?
Build quality, reliability?
I like the look and layout of the CA but NAD has a good rep. Sound quality will be priority.

This is for stereo, music only.

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NAD is great value and makes amazing music. Highly recommended. Never heard Cambridge.
A NAD DC amp burned up my beautiful B&W DM7s but that was an early version. I'm still holding a grudge.
CA edges out on NAD on vocal. NAD performs better than CA in the high and bass department.

CA looks better but does not have pre-out which may or may not be an issue with you.

NAD does have pre-out which I like but they are bland on the outside. I can hook the NAD's pre-out to a pair of power subs or use the integrated NAD as a pre-amp for another more powerful power amp.

Dollar wise both are good. I am a bass guy so I prefer NAD.
Hieule5, all of the Cambridge pieces have pre-outs with the exception of the 340A. Hooking up a sub is not a problem at all.