Tubes vs. solid state.

I just switched back to my ss equipment and can't see how I listened to ss for so many years and thought that I had a good system, maybe the equipment needs to be left on for some time.
But regardless of that, the difference is startling. I know that my tube equipment is not the same degree of excellence as my ss, but now ss sounds lean, thin lifeless. Have my listening priorities changed? One thing I noticed; my listening perception adapts to the sound present in the room. As I write this the sound is improving incremently.
Anyone share the same experience??
I will post as I will continue to listen and notice differences.
Ss is simaudio p-5 w-5, tubes are Cj premier 4 amp and audio experience a2se preamp.
Are there ss preamps that will satisfy or am I smitten by bubes I mean tubes.
To me, a GOOD tube design, sounds a lot more like live music and connects you emotionally with what you listen.

Also, quite interestingly, I have always found tube bass to be more real than solid state. More powerfull, more intimate, more like the pure power of a thunder than power from an electric installation (ss).
Quote Pedrilo

"...but dislike the bass roll-off and the hum."

Good tubes do not produce hum and they definetely dont have a roll-off.
Argyro is completely right. There are tube preamps that go down to 1 Hz and can pass a 10Hz squarewave without measurable tilt. IOW, as good as any solid state. Hum has nothing to do with either tubes or transistors- that points to a setup problem, a malfunction or a cheesy design.
The 'best' of both technology are converging with gaps closing in very rapidly today. Best attributes of each are pretty much present in either, differences are minute--if any. So imo, given the right choice of gears and proper system synergy one could easily live happily with either--with both seemingly striving toward the more neutral, live, musical camp. Unless of course when comparing classic tube sound and SS of yore, then taking preferences of one over the other more relevant.
"Best attributes of each are pretty much present in either, differences are minute-"

That's arguable but since "Best attributes" is pretty subjective...

While I agree, in general, that the gap is closing between tube and SS is in many modern designs, I think the degree of closure is greatly influenced by tube type, eg. 300b, EL34, KT88.