Tubes vs. solid state.

I just switched back to my ss equipment and can't see how I listened to ss for so many years and thought that I had a good system, maybe the equipment needs to be left on for some time.
But regardless of that, the difference is startling. I know that my tube equipment is not the same degree of excellence as my ss, but now ss sounds lean, thin lifeless. Have my listening priorities changed? One thing I noticed; my listening perception adapts to the sound present in the room. As I write this the sound is improving incremently.
Anyone share the same experience??
I will post as I will continue to listen and notice differences.
Ss is simaudio p-5 w-5, tubes are Cj premier 4 amp and audio experience a2se preamp.
Are there ss preamps that will satisfy or am I smitten by bubes I mean tubes.
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Unamplified acoustic instrument and voice is the standard for live music.

Anything amplified during a live or recorded event has a coloration.

If a guitar amplifier used tubes in the performance, then the tubes should be contained within the recording.
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And the reason tube amps are loved by guitar players is that they overdrive them into distortion frequently. We all know about tubes even order harmonics when overdriven. How many of you overdrive your home stereo to get that classic distorted rock & roll sound that people like Clapton seem to enjoy so much?
I'm not arguing against tubes, but it's my position that they have a much more practical application in the world of guitar amplifiers than in home audio.