Revel Salon2 owner: What amps are you using?

What amps are you currently using with the Salon2? Anyone has the Bryston 28B SST square monoblocks with the Salon2? What do you think?

I have Salon 2s and have been considering getting the 28 SST2s. I'm currently using ARCs LS27 and DS450. Like this combination a lot; however, sometimes it feels like that Salon's would like to have a bit more power that the DS450 offers.

- What preamp are you using?
- What PCs and ICs are you using?
- How is the bottom end with the 28B?

i am using BAT Rex preamp with harmonich technology magic balanced interconnects and old python power calbes.
bottom end is great-more than enough bass for me and very well controlled.
Plinus SB-301 and Plinius M8 pre-amp here.

I definitely feel like a wimp compared to you guys, LOL.