tube amp for ProAc Response.. need suggestions

hi guys, i will try to keep it short & simple

my setup consists of a peachtree decco dac/pre and a mcintosh mc7100 amp in a ~11x15 room.. and just picked up a set of proac response 1.5

i used to have b&w 805's which is why i bought mcintosh, but i've read tubes work better with proac and i want to give it a shot

i do not want an integrated because my peachtree is staying as the dac/pre... i've read conrad johnson and audio research work very well with proacs

unfortunately my budget is capped around $1000, but i'm happy to buy used off the audiogon market

any suggestions/advice would be appreciated, thanks!
somebody's listing a vincent hybrid sp-331 on agon in your range. great sounding amp.
Audio Research and ProAc have been a long-time recommendation, not sure if you can get there with $1000 - maybe some older versions.
Look at Rogue audio 88 (better if magnum)or 90 (may be over budget). I had Rogue with proac 1.5 and it was very nice.