High-value ICE offerings or Ayre V3, ARC 100.2

I'm torn between the highly-reviewed class D amps and the "classics" from late 90s/early 2000s such as the ARC 100.2 or Ayre V3. I came of audio-age in the late 90s and looking through the Audiogon listings, I feel like a kid in a candy store.

At the $1500-$2000 range, there are just so many options, such as the Wyred 4 Sound ST-1000, which is apparently competitive with amps costing many times its price. But the question is: how do these new high-value amp compare to the better amps from 10 years ago such as the Ayre V3 or ARC 100.2 or even the VT 100 MKII, which you can also pick up new in the $1500 to $2000 range.

My system is currently AR ES-1 for analog, EAD Utradisc 2000 (transport), Benchmark DAC1 Pre for digital, amp is Plinius 8200 integrated, speaker are Revel Ultima Gems and Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MKII. I've had the 8150/8200 for over 10 years, and I think I'm ready for a change. The 8200 has a warmish signature and I think I want something a tad more dynamic and speedy. I have mini-monitors so it's pretty clear soundstage and imaging are pretty important to me. The Revels are a recent addition, picked up because the Dynaudios sound a little compressed when playing big classical, and I'm thinking I need to step up my amplification.

Musically, I listen to mostly 70s rock, classical (orchestral and chamber) and jazz. The Revels definitely need a sub for classical and that's also on my list.

If you have any other options for suitable amps, I'd love to hear them too.

Over a period of several years, I had a V-3 then both the V-5x then V-1xe. I put a V-3 back in my system (to see how it compared) & although it really is a good amp, it couldn't even come close. (I suppose I'd been spoiled by both the V-5x & V-1xe.) The V-5x on the other hand, was a much more capable piece & pretty much held its own next to the V-1x. This isn't to say they're the same but the differences were much more subtle. I've always felt the V-5x was a sleeper.

A few more suggestions I've owned or listened to are the BAT VK-200 and B&K. You might even be able to get a set of mono-block B&K amps at your price point.
I have used several class D amps with varying degrees of success. None of them have disappointed me but I have a feeling they aren't for everyone. Right now I am happily using the Bel Canto Ref S500.
My suggestion is to buy something like a pair of the BC Ref M1000s used and give them a try. At the $2k price used, if they don't meet your needs you can resell them. You won't lose much on the deal and you'll gain the experience to move forward.
Among all the class D amps mentioned, I am by far fondest of the Bel canto Ref 1000M anmd Ref 500M monoblock. Amazingly musical devices and wonderfully resolving. My PFO review of the 1000M is at:
Hey Guido, I read your review of the Ref 1000M, very nice. Have you heard the 300M? If so how much do the give up to the 1000M?
Don't want to hijack this thread but I'm curios.