Need to buy used integrated about 800 dollars

I have a NAD c372, whose power capacitors shorted.
This issue is a known potential problem within a certain production period.
United Radio in Syracuse currently has it for repair approval, their tech also stated that they were familiar with the issue.
The cost is about four hundred dollars to replace the four capacitors at about 50 dollars each plus labor.
I have come to expect even modest solid state units to last well over 10 years, but I con't feel confidant regarding this unit.
I see here, at Audiogon, a number of used integrateds under $1,000 that may be a better choise.
Whatever unit I end up with will be used to monitor in a studio mastering room. In other words, normal program material as opposed to tracking/recording where possible danage to equipment can happen from sudden high level sources.
Signal chain is computer files out, to pro audio sound card, to Benchmark DAC1 to whatever integrated I end-up with to a pair of Von Schweikert VR-2.
I would apprediate thw advice of the knowledgeable folks here, thank you.
those nad amps are troublesome buggers, aren't they? just scanning through the ads i see a cary ca1 for 850 and a couple of arcam diva/arcam fmj around 600.(i love my arcam alpha). any of those would be a considerable step-up from your nad. i like the cambridge audio 840, too, though it won't sound radically different than the nad. bueno suerte.
Consider separates. See my ads for Adcom GFP-555 & GFA-555. Tons of power, built like a tank, under your budget.
I would agree with Schiss I have both (an adcom GFP-555 II & GFA-555 combo), yet If you can find a Dussun 6Vi (I'm using now as just a power amp) It is a tank that's driving my theil 2.2s.
You have some great speakers there. The VR-2 have tremendous bass response capability, but really benefit from an amp that can take control of the you tight deep bass. Too bad about your NAD, I bet it really sounded great on the bass.

You may want to spend a little more $$$ for a Krell 400 integrated amp which should be a terrific match for the VR-2....400x2 into 4 Ohms.

I've never heard Plinius, but based on reviews/reputation, that may be a great match as well.

I would stay away from the Adcom 555 pre as it was considered pretty hard sounding in the upper mids.

Good Luck.
The AdCom Triple 5 series is what.....mid/late '80s vintage?

While you can argue about sound good/bad/harsh or whatever, fact is, it is getting a little long in the tooth and would have to be priced very attractively to get around the fact it can't go much longer without a Re-Cap.

Which would put you pretty much back at the C372 level, sans explosion!

Do you like the NAD house sound? Ready to move 'up'?