Atma-sphere 3.0 to 3.1

Has anyone else done the upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1 - I have M60s of very recent vintage with power and vcap upgrades. It does not seem expensive. I do wonder what the changes are internally and how the perfomance changes, improves? with the upgrade.
Passives work fine as long as you don't have any interconnect cable. Otherwise they tend to limit bass and punch as you turn the volume control down. That's why we offer the option for the M-60s.

The MP-1 is specifically designed to control the interconnect cable, and as a result the cable between the preamp and amp is not critical and you can run really long lengths (+50') too. That allows you to keep the amps right by the speakers and run short speaker cables.
Ralph, does that mean it is best to have a source with lower gain so that you can turn the passive up further (less attentuation) - as long as it plays loud enough? By the way, how much does it cost to "upgrade" a pair of M60s with volume controls? Guess I should have thought of that when I upgrade to 3.1:)
Yes, lower output sources work much better with passives. Its beyond me why so many DAC manufacturers insist on putting so much output voltage in their equipment- my guess is that they have no idea, no clue on how amplifiers work.

The volume control setup is about $1200.00. Its a custom-built part. Of course you can put in cheaper parts and do quite well but they don't seem so sound as good...
That is good input (no pun intended) on output voltage. My CD player puts out 2v or 3.6v with a switch, and of course I can listen at the 12-2 position with the lower gain. Will you ever be demoing the "integrated" at a show (RMAF?).
> Its beyond me why so many DAC
> manufacturers insist on putting so much output
> voltage in their equipment- my guess is that
> they have no idea, no clue on how amplifiers work.
Because many ignorant customers insist on comparing equipment in demos in the same conditions - e.g. some volume position - and like this they sound louder!
I have tried to explain to friends why this is a mistake and non technical people do not accept it easily, unless you have a sound meter to help you.