Could I bi-wire MC 402 to a set of speakers?

Could I bi-wire one MC 402 to a set of speakers with Low pass and high pass connectors? Such as the 4 ohm tap to the high pass and 8 ohm to the low pass. Is that possible and if so, would it produce better sound? Any input is greatly appreciated.
You could use one of the bi-wire sets that have one set of connections at one end and two at the other. That would certainly work.
I already have set of wires with two set of connections at each end..and the speakers are xrt28. The other question would be where to connect the high pass - to the mid or tweeter (and 4 or 8 ohms). THANKS AGAIN
I would use the bi-wire as you have it set up. Run one set to the bass and the other set to the high or mid and use jumpers between the two.