Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers

I'm about to purchase a pair. Just wondering if current owners are still thrilled with there's? It will be replacing reference Coda 15.0 amp. Any replies are much appreciated!
The great and powerful AudioOracle has spoken!! That's it, no more debate, the all knowing made his decree. He's back down from the mountain top.

So AudioOracle, all of these Audiophiles that sold their Pass (including Class A), ARC(both tube and SS), Ayre, Devialet, CJ(both tube and SS), Krell, Atma-Sphere and etc, amps and bought the Veritas after hearing it know nothing, can not hear and you know better.

("don't sound as good as a top shelf conventional amplifier,") Top self means expensive, right.
Look, there is ALWAYS something else to hear and consider. But not something you sell please.
Funny how you where so anxious to be a dealer for the Veritas. Now that you are not you have nothing good to say. So from that and your statement I take it your NOT a dealer for ANY NCore based amps.

To all; The Veritas are just one of a handful of amps at varying price points that are really worth owning. They are by no means the end all. Never said they are.
But they are one of the few.

Hi Guys, I might be chiming in here where I don't belong, I've never sat in front of a single NCore. I've been in the Audio World for 34 years now, working in Manufacturing, as a Manufacturers rep and owning my own retail store. Been to a hundred shows if I've been to 1... One thing that I have noticed is that many amps have a very different sonic signature and have had umpteen amps through my own home... Very recently, I purchased some Abletec boards and built some amps, this minute, they have 250-260 hours on them, still not enough to fully report back on, which I have promised in another thread. I am currently using an Old pure Class A Sumo Nine that has been modified to the hilt. All litz wiring internally, double filter capacitance, better bridge rectifiers, all resistors upgraded, all electrolytics and ceramic disc changed out to very high quality parts on the board, better input jacks and speaker terminals... Recently I came across a B&K Reference amp cheap... Don't remember model... 200 watts X 2, snatched it up. My Sumo EMBARRASSED it, it wasn't close, I sold it off within 2 weeks... What I have always noticed is that very good amps, sound more alike than different. Obviously if someone COULD build the perfect amp and someone else built another design that were both perfect, they would sound the same. When I put the Abletec amps in my system, I first listened after about 30 hours of break in. I can tell you this, My Abletec was not embarrassed. It is slightly different in presentation, but this is a very good amp indeed. Whether a certain amp is the perfect amp for you or another amp may sync better with a certain pair of speakers??? who can say, but one thing is for sure, Class D amps are coming into their own and are competing with world class amps. Which is the best, it doesn't exist, the question is, "Which is the best for you"
Tim, well said.

I would like to make a suggestion, if you are willing, that besides trying the Abletec get a set of Hypex NC400 and a set of Pascal modules. Then you can compare the best, though the NC400 is not on the same level of sonics as the NC1200. Not sure if the Pascal and Albetec that are available to DIY is the same offered to OEM either.

If I had the time I would do it myself.
Paul, if you are willing I would really like to know what the other equipment are in your system. I might be able to give you some incite in relation to the Veritas.

Best, Al.
Hi Paul,
Looking at the modules, I'm not sure that the NC400's are really inferior to the NC1200. The 400 has cheap plastic input and output jacks and terminals, the film caps on the board are mylar... I believe that replacing a few parts and soldering directly to the board would make an audible improvement in the NC400. I contacted Pascal, Not being a current amp or speaker manufacture, they would not cell to me. The Abletec Modules were less than half the price of the Ncores by the time you bought a switching supply.