McIntosh 402/B&W 803D Question

I just purchased a pair of B&W 803D speakers, and realize that my VTL MB 185 amps cannot drive the speakers adequately for rock music. I am now considering the McIntosh 402 amp as it has been recommended for these speakers. My question is, would my VTL 5.5 preamp match well with this amplifier? A few years ago I had a McCormack DNA 250 which had too much gain for the system (30db) and McIntosh does not provide the amplifier gain in their specifications. Thanks for your comments and opinions. I have listed some of the VTL 5.5 specifications:

Gain 20db

Output impedence 195 ohms

Input impedence 20K ohms
I must say I agree with Brianmgrarcom on this one. I've listened to McIntosh running B&Ws and the bottom end do get soft. I'd go with something from Krell, Gamut or even Accuphase.

Good luck!
I have B&W Nautilus 803S's and they were rated as A- from Stereophile because of "a slight lack of bass". Have not heard the D's (but even with the the 3rd woofer) would think they are not the last word in bass extension for rock music. You have plenty of wattage/current so my advice is to stick with your VTL pre and amp to get the wonderful VTL house-sound the engineers built in and add one or two sub-woofers. Get subs that have EQ and seperate volume controls like you find in the Velodyne DD-series. Depending on the size of the room you might get away with using only one 10" (DD-10) sub. Seeing the bass frequency response on a monitor and dialing it into your room is truly an eye/ear opening experience. After that all you have to do is turn up the volume on the sub/s to get all you can take. BTW I love my McIntosh equipment so check out my system and remarks.
Try ARC and get ready to have your expectations blown away.
Even their little 55 watt tube integrated on the 803's is a knockout. Tons of bass, presence and crunch. That said, the new 200 watt solid state integrated from them will totally lift those speakers off the ground.