Pass XA 100.5 plugged into Power Plant Premier?


I’m living in Europe and the nominal voltage in my country is 220 V; however; though I’m having a dedicated line installed for my stereo, the typical voltage is considerably lower at around 210 V. I just changed my power amplifers to a pair of Pass XA 100.5. I currently have only connected a CD/SACD Player to the PPP.

I set up my PPP to deliver 220 V. The PP therefore generally has to generate an additional 10 Volt.

Would you recommend to connect the Pass to the PPP or do they draw to much current from the PPP, especially considering the low wall-voltage?

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Electrical norm says that the voltage maximum deviation should not exceed +5V or -10V, so everything between 198V and 232V is still within the specs.

You will be fine running your Pass from 210V mains on 220V setting. It may be short of 5W of its maximum power, but that's it.