Pass amps + Power Cords ??

Anyone find nice synergies btwn their Pass amps and particular power cords? Anything to avoid ?

I have and x150.5 paird up with a PS Audio Statment SC. It's OK.
Desalvo: i'm using PSA power cords and can also give them a big thumbs up. got 2 ac-10's and 3 ac-5 along with 1 ac-3. can't say i tried anything else as my man Ron at liquid hi-fi recommended them to me when i went to upgrade oem pc's. there was an odvious improvement in sound from day one over oem cords. even more obvious after break in.

use the ac-10's for my quintete and ml 432 amp. ac-5's power my perfect wave dac, transport and pass x1 preamp. ac-3 for my dd-12 sub.

can't comment on what sound better regarding other aftermarket pc's but can tell you the ac-5 sounds great with my pass x1 pre. it's the only aftermarket pc i've had used but have no desire to look further. everything sounds just right as is.

btw....drop Ron a line if don't want to spend anything close to $600 for the ac-10's or other psa cords. he'll help you out. (in no way affiliated, just a happy long term customer).

I have settled on PS Audio Premier SC pc's for my Pass Labs Aleph 3's. I tried the new PS Audio P.W. series and preferred the obsolete Premier SC series power cables. I had a wider,deeper sound stage.
In my system I heard better clartiy though the upper register and midrange. No audible difference in bass response....
Yeah, the PSA cords are pretty decent with amps. I've tried 'em on my pre and they roll off the highs, though.
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