Amp/ preamp for electostatics and why

I would like to get some ideas on what amp and preamp sound best with electrostatic speakers and does the brand of the speaker make a difference? Do they like high current or high voltage better? I am running a pair of Martin Logan SL3's with a pair of PSE Studio V monoblock's and a BAT VK-30 pre right now but would like to play with the sound. also wondering about changing tubes in the pre.
I own Innersound stats powered by a ss/tube hybrid used in combination with an Audio Horizons tube pre amp.I've lived with multiple ss amps and have not been able to capture the magic of my current set up.There's just a natural synergy with appropriate tube amplification and Electrostats.
I would love to have a tube amp but there are two problems.One, I don't know how to bias a tube amp and;Two, I prefer monoblocks and good high powerered tube monoblocks are expensive.
A good used pair of 100 watt tube monos to drive your SL3s will cost you $800-$1200. For that price you can buy VTL Compact 100s or Quicksilver Silver 90s. I have used both with Electrostic speakers with good results.

100 watt tube monos are very powerful and you can easily learn how to bias them.
I have one other thing I would need and that is balanced connections. Anybody know of a 80+ watt tube monoblock with balanced connections?
A set of our M-60s, using a set of ZEROs to drive the MLs will make 80 Watts at full power, are monoblocks and are fully balanced.

There's a used set in the classifieds right now.