Amp/ preamp for electostatics and why

I would like to get some ideas on what amp and preamp sound best with electrostatic speakers and does the brand of the speaker make a difference? Do they like high current or high voltage better? I am running a pair of Martin Logan SL3's with a pair of PSE Studio V monoblock's and a BAT VK-30 pre right now but would like to play with the sound. also wondering about changing tubes in the pre.
A good used pair of 100 watt tube monos to drive your SL3s will cost you $800-$1200. For that price you can buy VTL Compact 100s or Quicksilver Silver 90s. I have used both with Electrostic speakers with good results.

100 watt tube monos are very powerful and you can easily learn how to bias them.
I have one other thing I would need and that is balanced connections. Anybody know of a 80+ watt tube monoblock with balanced connections?
A set of our M-60s, using a set of ZEROs to drive the MLs will make 80 Watts at full power, are monoblocks and are fully balanced.

There's a used set in the classifieds right now.
Look into Sanders Sound Systems. They specialize in Electrostatic systems. This company used to be called Innersound. They have a nice preamp/amp combo you may want to check out.
Audio Research made a V-140. It was basically Classic 120 monos balanced. And if you use Audio Research you don't need the Zeros. There is always a trade off with that type of product.

Ralph, I'm surprised you are pushing your products here.