Bel Canto Ref1000 MK2 Or Ref 500m ?

Dear All,
apart from the power (I don't needs 1000 watts into 4 Ohm),
which sounds better between these two?

To view pics of the Ref 500M on the Italian web site you have to click on the tab for the Bel Canto 500M. Thanks to Giuseppe for the info.
Dear All,
It is one week now that the two ref1000 MK2 are always on, on my system.
I made a small comparison between Bel Canto and my Modwright KWA 150. I do not do a real A/B comparison, because the Modwright is on service for repair. I find the ref1000 a very good amplifier, but the MW seams quite better on my system. More Dynamics, more details and a bigger soundstage are, in brief, the differences. Despite of 500 Watt Vs 150 Watt, the MW seems to have double the power of the Bel Canto. Bass on the Bel Canto seams no existent in comparison of the KWA 150. This is not so bad for my small room, because the reff1000 MK2 do not create any major resonance as the MW did.
Giuseppe, bass of Bel Canto Ref 1K should start to come in after 400 hours of making music. Just powering them up without a signal going through may not be very effective. You can use the white noise from FM interstation to exercise them when you are not listening to music. Are you running them balanced or single ended? the amps are best used in a balanced configuration. G.
Cia Guido,
yes you are right. The two brand new Ref1000 MK2 do not do many hours of sound. Just to precise, the bass of the Bel Canto are right, very balanced. Simply the MW seams more heavy on this region.
I wonder how much better it will be the reff 500m. I should have a pari for test, soon.
Sorry, I forgot to answer to your question.
I'm using only balanced interconnect from the CD2 to LS 36.5 (double box), and from the preamp to amp.