Power amp around $3000 for C-J Classic preamp

I've all but decided that my next preamp will be the Conrad-Johnson Classic, but I'm struggling with ideas for a power amp that would be a good match for it below $3000. I listen almost exclusively to vinyl and the speakers right now are the Totem Acoustic Hawks but will be upgraded in the near future to probably the Vandersteen 3A Sig or possibly VMPS RM-30, but not yet sure. I'm open to both tube, hybrid or solid state, but I'm more inclined toward solid state. Any ideas?
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How bout the CJ pre amp or used ARC LS5 or even a used Audible Illusions M3A about 800 bucks and an 100K input Imp ARC 100.2 for 1600 this combo put together should smoke all of what you are talking about for less than 1/2 the price
and Made in USA
Best JR
Audioconnection, Great recommendation John.

Have you ever heard the old saying "You can lead a horse to water"?
"10x rule is oft repeated fallacy"

For the stated output impedance at least. Looks like for tube amps you suggest 100x is a better rule.