Buy tubes from Audio Research or not

I need to retube my amp and I'm having trouble deciding whether I should buy my tubes from Audio Research or buy them on the open market. If you have any experience with this I'd appreciate your help.
I found a tech today that can retube my unit at a cost of 650.00 which include labor. That is 400.00 less than the ARC techs. What would you do?
The tubes are 6550 that have been matched and run for 24 hours. ARC matches the tubes and runs then for 48 hours. My guy buys the tubes right from the importer. He doesn't go threw a middleman. My guy can also get the tubes right from ARC but I'm going to have to pay 400.00 more. He says it's not worth spending 400.00 more and that if I did the sound would be the same. It sounds like the logical thing to do is let him get the tubes and Install them and save the 400.00.
Do you see anything wrong with this scenario?
Yes! If "your guy" only buys 8 tubes how can he get two matched quads, he doesn't have a big enough inventory to choose from. Is he supplying SED Winged C 6550's ?
Taters what about the (4) 6922 input and the (4) 6922 driver tubes? Are they still good? This appears to be the more difficult area of VT 100 Mkll tube replacement.
Samhar...I believe Taters has the VT100MkIII which is easier to bias than Mk I and II (see Davemitchell's comment above).

Taters...I agree with Samhar that you should be a bit more careful that this tech guy is going to put in appropriate tubes. There is nothing wrong with getting him to do it as long as you know he is getting 2 sets of matched quads or a matched octet of 6550s. I would also agree that yo want to make sure the 6922 input/driver tubes (especially the driver tubes) are up to spec. So I would tell the Tech guy that you want to be present when he retubes your amp so you can learn how to check and maintain it going forward. And if he says ok, then you want to make sure that he tests the tubes in front of you and explains toyou that the tubes are testing well and that he then shows you how to check bias measurements and to adjust bias after retubing the unit. If he is ok with that, you then can personally verify that things are being done to spec and you are learning how to do it for yourself going forward. My 2c worth