Buy tubes from Audio Research or not

I need to retube my amp and I'm having trouble deciding whether I should buy my tubes from Audio Research or buy them on the open market. If you have any experience with this I'd appreciate your help.
Samhar...what tube tester do you use in your set up? Are there any current suppliers of tube testing equipment or does one have to buy an old used unit?
Samhar...I just saw you are using the Hickok 539b from your System thread. Is the manual sufficient to walk through a complete newbie like myself on how to use the unit and what to look for when testing/measuring tubes? Thx
He's getting the tubes from the actual Importer. They are going to match the tubes for him.

This could be hit or miss.Buying from a reputable vendor that does their own matching,in my opinion,is a safer way to go.The bottom line is this...If you feel comfortable with your guy,it's your money,spend it as you see fit.I still think you should get to know your equipment and do your own maintenance.It's very rewarding and will save you a ton of money.Good luck.
I would really like to do my own maintenance but I'm afraid I'll screw something up and it will cost me more money in the long run.