Buy tubes from Audio Research or not

I need to retube my amp and I'm having trouble deciding whether I should buy my tubes from Audio Research or buy them on the open market. If you have any experience with this I'd appreciate your help.
My recent experience with non-ARC purchased tubes... I bought a used REF110 last summer. I then ordered a matched "octet" from Upscale Audio which I, foolishly, put aside in storage until I chose to retube in February. Well, the octet was not well matched at all, and Upscale Audio has a 7 day return policy and offered no understanding. I'm OK with that as they have their policy online and I was the one who never thought for a moment the "octet" should be verified.

I ordered more tubes from Upscale and then I really messed up. I'm pretty careful but, just as I was finishing the bias proceedure, I dropped my voltmeter probe on the circuit board and shorted a pair of resistors. I sent the amp to ARC and they fixed it for a modest sum, and they even upgraded a number of parts for free.

So, I get the amp back and ARC found one of the tubes I provided (the ones from Upscale) to be way out of spec so they sold me one to match. So I get the amp started back up and an hour later a tube blows, taking another resistor with it. So I check the box from Upscale, order another one telling them the specs they originally put on the box, and the tube they sent doesn't come close to matching. (I had the local ARC dealer perform the repair this time so I didn't have to send the amp all the way to ARC.)

So I called ARC and ordered 3 6550s to match the one they provided with the original repair. I can't say I won't consider other tube vendors in the future, but I sure won't buy from Upscale again.

The tech at ARC might have been blowing some smoke but he said careful matching (at the loads seen in the amp) is essential for the ultimate in resolution and imaging. I can't speak to this, but with all the marketing hoo-hah in the audio industry, this at least makes some sense to me.

I guess for me there is at least confidence in knowing ARC tubes are tested to their standards, not some arbitrary test point chosen by another vendor. My REF110 runs at 65mV, Upscale tests at around 53. I'm not an electronics guy, but it makes sense testing at the same loads as the tubes will be running at.
One more data point(FWIW):

I've re-tubed my VT130SE with ARC tubes and my Prima Luna 7 monos with KT88s, Kt66s, and EL34s from Upscale. Zero issues across the board. IME, both are excellent sources for re-tubing.

If you needed a catalytic converter on your 5 year old Porsche, would you get the parts from Porsche, or would you find the cheaper parts made for Porsche?
A catalytic converter is a catalytic converter. Either it works or it doesn't. However, that is for cars. For electronics, if one doesn't have the money, you do the best you can and take your chances. Just make sure the supplier has a good warranty or return policy. Audio Research supplying the tubes will warranty the tubes and if their tubes blow prematurely and damage their equipment, they will stand by their products and repair it for minimal costs or free. I purchased a set of tubes for my VTM 120 monos and my PH3 phono stage and one of the 6922s from the VTM blew and took out the fuse also. Well, I replaced the fuse and put an older 6922 in to see if the amp was okay. It was. But, I called Audio Research and told them about the failed tube and they mailed me a replacement. I don't know. dealing with companies that stand behind their products mean a lot to me and eliminates a lot of grief. But, it does depend on your price point. Audio Research supplied tubes are more expensive.

There are many tube companies out there like Newsensor. In fact that may be wear audio research is getting their tubes from. They own the Sovtek tube factory in Russia. No difference except Audio Research tests the tubes they get.