Someone familiar with older KSA Krell amps

Someone familiar with older Krell amps...KSA 50-S I owned one of these many years agao, mated it with a Kell KRC-3 preamp....sound was fabulous, sounded like a tube amp, warm and smooth had alot of detail, people said it had no bass, yet it did in my system...this is the only amp of this series I have owned. Question: want to buy a used KSA amp now provided it is in good shape, cosmeitcally attractive, etc. etc. but I am looking to drive more difficult speaker loads, i.e., totme mani'2...are the larger Krell KSA 100-s, and then the KSA 200-s, can I expect the same sound I liked so much in the 50-S to be in these larger amps, only in a more powerful package?? Or are they different animals entirely wach with different characteristics, I believe that the 100-s should have enough power to drive the mani'2 but I dont know...I am sure the 200-s would have more than enough , but am I crazy to get such a large heavy Krell to drive these speakers when a 100 would probably do? I guess I have a feeling that the larger 200-s would have virtues of its own to be sure, but it might not have that warm tublike sound I enjoyed so much from the 50_S. Was hoping someone who has experience with these amps might help me... I am trying to decide between the 100-s and 200-s , I know I like the Krell KSA sound mated with a KRC-3 preamp, just dont knwo which is a better match for mani 2' with a 4 ohm, 84 db sensitivity load,,not sure if a 200-s is way overkill, or actually the better choice, and if it would have a warm like sound or be different sounding from the smaller Krell
I just love these older Krell amps, especially the ones without fans. Fair warning, these are older amps and will probably need some expensive maintenance soon, such as new caps and re-biasing.
The S series are very good amps [i owned a 100s] however when I replaced it with a FPB 300 I was not ready for the improvement. much better in all areas,
Only the early series Krell amps were truly class A. The orginal KSA series, KMA series for example; the S series was not class A.
I was one of their early dealers, had the KSA -50, KSA -100 and KMA 100s. Were excellent for their time but if it were me I would get a new 300i. Cheaper, newer, lighter and better sounding with plenty of power. Not likely to need the repairs that Unsound alluded to. If you thought they had a warm sound I suspect that was the influence of the pre amp. I had a different reaction to their early pre's, I thought they were dead sounding and would demo the amps with other preamps much of the time, the amps themselves were not what I would think of as warm.
I completely disagree with Kenscollick on the KSA-S vs the FPB sound. The KSA produced a warm, solid soundfield where the FPB had a bunch of smaller caps that would refill faster for quicker transients but sounded thinner & in no way approached the sweet, powerful sound & bass of the "S" series. BTW, I owned the KSA-200S & 300S as well as the FBB300 which the latter I sold rather quickly.