Cant understand Meridian Gear

Need some help understanding Meridian. First of all I'd like to purchase a 5.1 or similar processor preamp...don't care about video switching etc. I've looked at the Meridian gear, but can't figure out what the difference is in their units. Is it a fully decoding and functioning Pre processor or not? Some units are labeled as controllers, but they require an additional unit for DAC, don't know? Are some units stand alone? I have some monoblock amps, bluray player and speakers. Need to know which used Meridian to buy (single Unit only) Thanks
Send me the details of your system and I will help explain which would or would not benefit you.
Hi Mudcat. . .Meridian's gear is highly flexible but the byproduct of that is that it can be confusing. As Porschecab has offered, I too will offer to help. For what it's worth, some of the G series stuff can be configured as a traditional analog processor, or to operate in the digital domain, or both. You might see letters following the model number which are a hint about the configuration. For example a G68AXV is configured as analog ("A"), with balanced outputs ("X" for XLR) and offers video switching ("V"). I personally have a stack of 500 series gear (518, 562v, and 565) and althought they work virtually as a single component, the 565 processor could work alone if I had very limited sources (it offers few inputs).

Any help I can provide, just say the word.
Just received a 561 processor, every analog input works, but the CD: No sound out of that input. Is there a setting that is fouled up. I'm trying to read the manual. What a nightmare.
I am running two monoblocks, two analogue speakers and a sub. Everything is hooked analogue..I did not see anywhere 2.1 setup. Help is appreciated