Why monoblocks?

Why run monoblocks? Most amps can handle most speakers, especially those that are 88DB and above in sensitivity. I see pictures of all these speakers being driven in monblock configuration. If the stereo amp can do the job, why spend money on two amps? I mean, what are the benefits?
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Good responses so far, but not a lot from mono block advocates and what if any improvement in sound they hear going from or comparing a stereo amp to monoblock amps.
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My main reason for monoblocks ($4000 each) is to improve midrange and bottom end from a small speaker. Single MC275 amp was used as my formative evaluation of speakers. But the audio dealer later inserted monoblocks (tubes of course) and the system presented a different flavor of dynamics and soundstage which I preferred over single stereo amp. And those mono amps were 22 watts.

In addition, if you notice in "My Office" I also use shorter ICs and speaker cable which help reduce the cost significantly.