I never resent the time I spend seeking out new materials, processes, proportions and blends that enhance the directionality of my products in use with musical instruments that touch the floor. Capturing the forces of nature and placing them in a reactive device many years ago and in the previous 24 months finding a supplementary method to enhance that directionality was pretty darn cool. These methods are highly beneficial to first person real acoustic instruments used in Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center and carry forward to playback devices already in the audio chain. The wrong choice of material and geometry does not serve well the instrument or the musician which are all before the playback chain. That has been my experience.
I am highly respective of all the posters here and especially of the last few. I know that collectively we have as much as 150 years of audio experience. We all have had our personal encounters in and around audio and we are here to express those to all. Tom
I am highly respective of all the posters here and especially of the last few. I know that collectively we have as much as 150 years of audio experience. We all have had our personal encounters in and around audio and we are here to express those to all. Tom