Have you heard of EMOTIVA?

I ran across and listened to some SS gear from EMOTIVA today. Has anyone heard of this company, used their SS Amps or other gear? What do/did you think about the sound?
Like Newbrook said above,"What did you think?" Why should it matter what others think when you know what you heard?Just curious as to why you asked.
obviously the op wants validation for his purchase. we all need validation sometimes, so why the barbed responses?
in any event, stickman, emotiva registers a fine company with good customer service. their power amps are commendably neutral and very good value and their processors are all the rage with the ht crowd. i'm sure you'll enjoy your purchase.
Gosh, I'm soooooo needy.... Bought these amps as show demos without trying them out at home in my rig first; will have them by Thursday and then I will let you know 'what I think.'
I would add my curiousity about Emotiva quality and performance since I am considering adding a UMC-1 processor to the HT system.

Perhaps the phrasing in the original post led to the some to jump to the conclusion that Stickman451 was looking for validation rather than informed opinions on this gear.

Price point seems to indicate an overseas build but who engineers/designs their stuff?
Lonnie Vaughn is their in-house engineer, unless things have changed. They manufacture their stuff in China to keep costs down. I got into H/T with them and there's a lot of bang for buck. Do a search on this forum for Emotiva and you'll come up with lots of threads. Or head over to their own forum.