New amp being touted as among the best ever......

....possibly hyperbole but Hi-Fi News in the UK raving about the Diavlet D-Premier amplifer.

Apparently it has patented a new hybrid of Class A and Class D technology. It sounds very interesting, looks unique and would appear to be a must hear for those who are interested in high quality servers where apparently it excels-although I'd be interested to hear what it can do with any source.

Pretty expensive I believe at £12000 or approx $18000.

It looks very interesting and it's not every review you read where you really want to hear the thing.....

Here's their website, quite a lot of info on there if you browse about.
ARC has been doing digital amps for years . There still not even close to there tube gear . Anyone think about putting a digital amp on the moon , good place for it .
All this discussion is off the mark. How does this thing sound? I saw it at CES, but it was not in use. I have heard some comments that some who have heard it were not impressed. Had it not been so positively reviewed, I doubt it would be discussed anywhere. Maybe it was a flash in the pan.
In no way is the D-Premiere a flash in the pan. I am curious who might have heard it and could be anything less than impressed. It is a performer in all areas in which it offers function. Additionally, I am not sure when or where anyone could have auditioned the Devialet given I was demonstrated, as you noted, in a limited fashion to the public and we were the first to receive and show it at Digital Ear. Again, I would think anyone curious or interested would highly benefit from a real and in person demonstration. That would put the nay-Sayers to rest. As always, I offer our showroom in case you are nearby. for more info.
Here is a massive thread on the Devialet: