VTL 2.5 preamp not too shabby

I recently acquired a VTL 2.5 for $775 locally. Wow!!! I'm very impressed given money spent. Very musical and detailed. Has lots of features and inputs which I like. The Sonic Frontiers Power 2 I'm using can lean towards analytical depending on component match and setup.
However, so far with the VTL it seems a good match. Rest of system is QUAD 22L2s, Jolida JD 100 Underwood Lvl 1 cd player. Any other Agoner's with good experiences and suggestions on tubes? It currently has JJ Teslas. I was tempted to try Amperex or even Mullards for a slightly warmer presentation.

I do miss the rolling tube thing. It sounds like the 2.5 has fit into you system perfectly. I did talk to VTL about up grading mine with a phono stage but never followed up on it. Heck, I spent a year looking for a used TL 5.5 with a solid black face, never warmed up to the two tone look. Enjoy it you have a great Pre.
I use Wurlitzer branded old RCA 12AX7 on my TL-5.5, and it sounds wonderful. I've also tried various other brands such as Telefunken, Siemens, Philips Mini Watt, etc, and RCA brings out the best for me. If you like your TL-2.5, definitely keep TL-5.5 in mind as upgrade path.
I need to replace the tubes in my VTL 2.5. What would you recommend and where is a good place to buy new tubes. Thx
I have the 2.5(not sure which version) running with a VTL ST-150 tube amp and a Yamaha M-80 SS(class A up to 20 watts).I love it!!When I first got it I only had the Yamaha.I bought the 2.5 used here on A-gon for 700.00.It was hands down the best money I ever spent.It came with some used Mullards which sounded fantastic but didn't last long.I brought it to a local VTL dealer right after I picked up the ST-150 and had both units completely retubed.The tubes came right from VTL.They both sound great!I run the ST-150 with a pair of Klipsch Chorus 2's(I know,I know..but I am a volume junkie!),and the Yamaha runs some KEF 104/2's and another pair of Klipsch.I am very happy so far with the VTL equipment and am actively seeking a used 5.5.I can't wait to grab one of those!
If you can get that Power 2 to sound like music, you have accomplished quite a feat. Still, you should look at grabbing a used ST-150. It is so much better than the SF it is almost laughable....
