Lost Help Amp for PSB imagine T

Hello all.

I'm newbie and totally lost at the very begining.... so please shed the lights.

I was about to build my first low-fi entry level system with NAD C326Bee + PSB image T65.

However last week, I accidently found a good deal in my local area which could not be ignored so bought a pair of excellent condition PSB Imagine T tower speakers. I really like it.

The problem is... I don't own any amp/receiver yet and I have no idea what to choose.
I have a cheapo Yamaha S1800 unversal player as a main cd-player and considering it to use as a transporter with a decent DAC some time in the future.

Followings are my initial lists of integrated amps for PSB Imagine T tower.

NAD C326Bee or up
Creek 5350SE
Naim Nait 5i
Jolida 302B or 1501RC
Cayin integrated
Simaudio Moon i-1

Unfortunately, there are no audio shops near my town so I need your help.
My budget is under $1K and lower the better since I have to spend more into cables, etc,...

What is the best bang for the buck amp for PSB Imagine T?
The NAD is designed to work with the PSB speakers. Naim also works well from my past experience. Speakers are fairly sensative so anything with 30 clean watts will be ok in small to medium room.
a lot of folk tout the nad/psb synergy; i've heard psb auditioned with nad and been unmoved--it's ok but kinda static. on the other hand, i auditioned the imagine bookshelves with a naim integrated and thought it sounded great--full of life. like mlauner says, the imagines are reasonably efficient, so the 50w naim should do fine. add in great resale value and i just don't think you can go wrong with it.
I own a pair of PSB Platinum T8's paired with a NAD M3 (waiting on an amp stand to use my Musical Fidelity M5 w/all). I also own a Creek 5350 (the newer version) that I use with Monitor Audio Silvers. I've also mixed these amps with my speakers with good results. I'm toying with the idea of buying the Synchrony Ones but that's another story. I obviously can vouch for the NAD and/or Creek and have read good reviews on the other brands but have never listened. I think you will enjoy any pick of those amps w/your new speakers. Be on the lookout for my Creek Classic if the Synchrony Ones keep weighing on my mind.