Pass X250.5 or the X350.5

Looking to upgrade my amp to a Pass. Not sure if I should go with a X250.5 or the X350.5. I have the Vandersteen 3A-Signatures. Any help on which has the better sound would be much appreciated. I would like to go with the XA100.5 full Class-A, but out of my price range.

I would go for the 350.5 funds permitting. I have a 250.5 and am happy but appatrently the 350.5's are even nicer. It used to be the 250's sounded better than the 350's but the 350.5's sound better than the 250.5's. I think they all sound good. I had the 250 before mtyu 250.5 and truth be told they are close as far as I remember.