jumper pins for xlrs

jumper pins for xlrs....this amp came without the jumper pins for the xlr jacsk when running this amp in unbalanced mode through the RCA jacks...are you hrtung the amp at all to run it this way in unbalanced without the jumper pins installed? If it isnt harmful, is there a sonic penalty you will pay unitl the pins are replaced. i.e., loss of gain, or bass oe somethng?
If you are referring to jumpers that connect pins 2 and 3 together on xlr input connectors, no you won't be hurting anything by not connecting the jumpers. Most likely there won't be any perceivable sonic penalty either. At most there might be a very slight increase in background noise levels.

-- Al
I disagree. There will be a sonic penalty. That is why the manufacturer includes jumpers, not only so you have something to lose and fret over! ;^) Make certain your amp should have them before using them. You can make them out of solid core copper wire bent around a pair of needle nose pliers and cut to lenght.