What to do next . . .?

This is my first post, so I'm not sure if it belongs here.

I'v been what I call an audiophile for about 15+ years now, but the last 5 years I have been dormant. When I was into it on a day be day thing I really didn't have the money for it but what I ended up with (till this day) is a Conrad Johnson MF 2100 amp, California Audio Labs DX-1 CD player, Acurus LS 11 preamp and a pair of 2Ce Vandersteen speakers.

My question is what part of this setup should I upgrade to better my sound. My gut instinct is the CD player, but I've been so long "out of the game" of audio I'm not sure where to start?

Any help would be appreciated, and if this is in the wrong forum just let me know and I'll post it there.

On a side note I also own an Denon 2910 dvd/cd player and Im wondering which is better the DX-1 or 2910 - but maybe I should post this on the digital forum
Your room your room and YOUR ROOM unless you have already tackled it? I know its not as sexy as a new piece of gear but thats it all in a nutsheel.Get the room right as possible and even cheap gear will sound like you have spent thousands on the upgrade path.
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If your hunch is the CD player, then it probably is the CD player. The Denon is not bad, but a bit lack-luster, but still not bad. I do not know about your other player.

If you want to look into CD players (or a separate DAC) I would suggest posting a new thread in the Digital thread area as you will get more replies. Make sure to list your budget and what you perceive you’re missing sound-wise with your current player. I would suggest buying used to maximize budget $. HTH.
if you ONLY use digital sources, I would look for a DAC with volume or level controls and run the DX-1 into that unit bypassing the Acurus pre altogther.

EAD dacs are highly thought of to this day as well as some others. There are some new DAC's with volume controls as well, many are made in China so you must be selective regarding quality and reputation.

I disagree with all the previous posters. At this level, the source is not going to make a huge difference. There is not a huge lot of differences in digital sources.

Based on your equipment, maximum bang for the buck will be to upgrade your preamp. Since you have a CJ amp, pick up a used CJ tubes preamp (Premier 17LS2 is pretty good), and be prepared for a big difference.

If you don't want to change the preamp, change the speakers. But digital source is the last thing I would change.

As a sidenote, why don't you swap out the Cal audio cd player for a $30 dvd player from wal mart and see the amount of difference it makes. You will be only out of $30 and if you feel there is a huge difference between the $30 CD player and your Cal audio, then go ahead and get a better digital player, as recommended by some of the posters above.