Balanced Tube Preamps for Nuforce Ref 9SE V3

I am in the beginning stages of looking for a new tube preamp for my system. It will be driving a pair of Nuforce Ref 9SE V3.
Currently have a BAT VK 31SE and sounds quite nice. I want to upgrade with a budget of around $7500. I do want the pre to have balanced in and out capability and a remote control. While the BAT sound is nice, a bit more midrange warmth without sacrificing high frequencies or bass slam is desired.

Front end is a Esoteric SZ-1 feeding a MSB Power DAC (balanced connections) and speakers are Coincident Super Eclipse lll. All JPS superconductor 3 interconnects and speaker cable.
Any input is greatly appreciated!
I don't recall CJ preamps having balanced inputs/outputs. Otherwise, I'm sure they are deserving of all the accolades accorded them.
That is true. CJ is single ended. Older VTL is too. Only the latest is balanced. Vac, Atma Sphere, and ARC are though.

The Cary is on my short list as is the Rogue Hera2. I must admit I like the fact that the Cary has a headphone amp built in. It is a nice bonus. Do you have a Cary in your system?
