best Marantz tuners?

I have a Sansui TU-717 tuner and love the sound. However, I love the look and build of the classic Marantz stuff. Some of their older tuners, with scopes for example, look so great. I have a 2250B rcvr and it is nice.
Anyway, I am thinking of going for a classic Marantz tuner.

What would be the short list of their best tuners?
Would it be a step up from the TU-717?

I like the looks/sound of the Marantz tuners also.

The top tier would be the 10b,20 and 20b.

Next: 125/150. Never heard a 2130 but think it would be here to.

You might check out a 120b. It has a large scope and sounds decent.
The 10B was their best tuner but a modified 717 may well be better. Two of my friends are very serious FM fans and they are both very high on Sansui, one has at least 5 including the TU-X1. I met him when I sold him my second Kenwood 917. If you change it will be for looks, not the sound, not that there is anything wrong with that.
Don't ignore more modern Marantz tuners. I am now using a ST-17 and am growing to appreciate it as much if not more than my cherished Mac MR 80. Just because it is not "vintage" does not mean it is not a first class tuner -- and it is!

I do prefer the looks of vintage Marantz. This is for our living room, formal system so looks are a factor for sure.
I have the Sansui TU-717 right now driving a Nait Naim 5i amp and Paradigm Studio-20 speakers.

I will also try moding the 717 to see how good I can make the sound. Could use a bit more bass.
