Atma Sphere S30 amp

I got my S30 amp yesterday and got in 12 hrs. of listening time with it.

Having started off on this audio journey with tubes I got lost somewhere down the road with SS amps. A friend of mine sent me a demo AA PX25 to try out with my Zu speakers and I was in shock on how organic sounding this little 6W amp sounded and I soon realized ( in 5 min.) I screwed up big time. My amps sounded plastic/fake and after reading a review about the AS S30 being a better all around amp than the PX25 and with more power I bought the amp new.

Even with stock 6sn7 tubes this amp is a keeper for me. I could have had listening to a OTL all this time and feel I wasted alot of $$$ and time on my SS amps. You never know until you buy and try.

This amp is not for everyone but for Zu owners I would encourage you to try this guy out.

Thanks to all you OTL owners who have posted here in the forms and for Pubul57 whose knowledge of these amps made my purchase an easy decision.

Hiphiphorray I am back with tubes and loving it.

Glory, I plan on buying the S-30 new.

Paul, I will try the 4 ohm tap. I've been trying to reach Roger with no luck. When I lived in Santa Barbara he was more accessible. I'm going back for a visit in a couple of weeks and if I don't hear from him before then I'm going to drive to his house and knock on his door.

The Clio 9 passive volume attenuator and RM-10 MkII are getting along just fine.
When you get a chance, e-mail me details about your passive and your thoughts behind it.
Glory, congrats on the discovering the magic of Atma-Sphere amps coupled with the right speaker. I love my M60's with the Defintions.
Clio09 I see you have a pair of Jazz Modules. Those 70 watt KT88s don't do it for you? Coincidently I'm going to listen to a pair of Jazz Modules this weekend and I'm bringing along my Berning ZH270. I'm actually more interested in how the an 845 SET amp handles the Jazz Modules as opposed to an OTL. I'm moving away from OTLs. Still I would be curious of you opinion on the S30 paired with the Jazz Modules if you go that direction.
The VAC amps and the Jazz Modules are a great match. Just want to try the Atma-sphere since it was used in the voicing. At 12 ohms the VACs put out closer to 55 watts (maybe since it is the 8 ohm tap too) while the S-30 would be closer to 40. I don't think 15 watts is a big difference with these speakers.

If you like the Jazz Modules get them while Duke still has the TAD drivers.

The Berning would be another choice. I have the Micro ZOTL and use it as a preamp on occasion.