Herron VTSP-3A

Hey guys, I just got this preamp in my system and have only used it for 5 hours. However, I don't have to wait for burn in or more evaluation time to tell this compenent is absolutley outstanding. The VTSP-3A is the new version and it has over 50 changes from the VTSP-3. I got my system sounding really good before the arrival of the Herron, but the Herron has really brought my system to life. Heck, the VTSP-3A has had the most postive impact on about every aspect of sound in my system than any other electonic compenent I have ever bought. I feel like the Herron is letting me hear the potential of everything else in my system. I thought I would make this post since I'm not sure if a lot of people know about Herron. If someone is in the market for a top of the line preamp, they may want to at least consider this one. For the record, I have no affliation with the company, I'm just a VERY happy owner.
Billspecfoc inquired regarding what amp I am using with my VTSP-3A. I am using a Jeff Rowland Model 10, which is a two chassis (separate control unit and power supply) 150 wpc solid state amp that I love. The synergy with the Herron is perfect. I have also used the Herron with an Reference Line amp that has 100 WPC pure Class A output. The Herron was perfect with the Reference Line also. One nice feature of the Herron is that it affords the user the ability to switch the preamp between a low gain and a high gain setting. With the Reference Line amp I use the low gain setting, but with the Rowland I prefer the high gain setting. The preamp is dead quiet on both settings. It is easy to switch between the two gain settings. One merely holds down the "phono" button for three seconds and the preamp switches from one gain setting to the other. When the preamp is switching from one gain setting to the other, it automatically mutes itself. Keith Herron thinks of everything.
Hi Guys, you have really stirred up my anticipation. My VTSP-3 is at Herron Audio now being updated to the 3A and I should get it back the week after next.Keith's audio equipment is everything that you have already stated,the best that I have ever used. I am using the Parasound Halo JC-1 mono amps in my system with the VTSP-3a.
Great gear.
Wow! A Herron thread!!

I love Keith's gear and think he must be one of the most underrated designers in audio. Whatever he makes...pre-amp, phono-amp, power amp - it just sounds like - MUSIC. Plus they are reliable and worry free. Why doesn't Keith get more ink???

I had Keith's VTSP-1a-166 and M150s and it was heavenly with my Alons.

I do think there's a definite synergy between the Herron pre-amps and power amps. I tried Rowland with my speaks ages ago but thought the Herron/Herron combo was terrific. I highly recommend the amps as well as the pre's, they simply don't get the praise they deserve.

I too had tried many big name preamps: Hovland, First Sound, ARC, Cat, Joule-Electra etc. For me the Herron just maed music sound "alive" and natural. The gear itself doesn't really "sound" like anything at all. It just gets the heck outa the way and lets the music roll.

I can't say enough good things about Herron gear, Herron service and Herron quality. Can't wait to hear the newest preamp, and hope this piece helps spread the word about Keith's products.
Violin, yeah from what SFlazor posted above, it sounds like the 3A is considerbly better than the 3. Let us know your thoughts after it comes in.

I have been spending some more time listening, I still can't get over how good this preamp is and I'm still using the stock power cord and I have it plugged in to the wall too. I mentioned in my initial post, the Herron pretty much ehances or improves all aspects of the sound. I would describe it as a preamp that does not have any trade offs. It has good spacing, air, warmth, soundstaging, imaging, tone, yet at the same time has outstanding frequency extension and detail.
Interesting thread. I've been eyeing the VTSP-2, though, that is in my short list with the Lamm LL2, First Sound Presence, and Joule LA-150, to be paired with a McIntosh MC275. Any thoughts sound-wise from experienced Herron owners who have also had First Sound and/or Lamm?
