Herron VTSP-3A

Hey guys, I just got this preamp in my system and have only used it for 5 hours. However, I don't have to wait for burn in or more evaluation time to tell this compenent is absolutley outstanding. The VTSP-3A is the new version and it has over 50 changes from the VTSP-3. I got my system sounding really good before the arrival of the Herron, but the Herron has really brought my system to life. Heck, the VTSP-3A has had the most postive impact on about every aspect of sound in my system than any other electonic compenent I have ever bought. I feel like the Herron is letting me hear the potential of everything else in my system. I thought I would make this post since I'm not sure if a lot of people know about Herron. If someone is in the market for a top of the line preamp, they may want to at least consider this one. For the record, I have no affliation with the company, I'm just a VERY happy owner.
Nice to hear so many posted on Herrons. I have a different story, I am a very early user of VTSP-2, loved the unit. Upgraded to version 2, than to version 3. I did not like Ver.3 at all and actually swapped it back!! I found it has more performance but robbed the silly smooth highs. I just felt it's somehow a little harsh or to say less relaxes. Version 2 sounds more like a tube amp and version 3 is too neutral that leans towards SS! I wonder what sonic character is 3A compared to version3 …more neutral or more emotion….?
Is anyone out there using any tube dampers in their Herron pre's? Also, what about isolation devices underneath the pre? Right now, I just have mine sitting on a Flexi-rack made out of hard maple shelves, about 1.25" thick. Thanks.

Luna, the VTSP-3A is head and shoulders above the VTSP-3. It is far more musical. I find myself saying over and over, "That is a beautiful piece of music." The 3A is so perfect that I never feel inclined to use the word "neutral." Neutral is far too sterile a term to use when describing the 3A. I would not use the words "tube like" either because those terms can imply that a preamp is warm and slow. The 3A just sounds like the TRUTH. When I listen to the 3A, I feel like it is perfect in every way. You certainly know that you are listening to a tube preamp rather than a solid state preamp because no solid state preamp sounds this liquid and life-like. The 3A is not lacking in any respect. As you listen to it, you will find that you finally will quit looking for more or for better in any aspect of its performance. The bass is fabulous; the treble is extended beyond the capabilities of one's hearing; and its voicing is just plain SWEET and BEAUTIFUL. If any of you have not yet heard the 3A, you absolutely must listen to this wonderful preamp. Keith Herron should have called it the VTSP-5 rather than the 3A--he deserves the recognition that such a change in numbering or name would have garnered. He did not merely upgrade the 3A; he took his already great preamp to an entirely different level of performance. I have listened to the Audio Research Reference 3, the Conrad Johnson CT-5, the Krell Evolution 202, Parasound Halo JC2, VTL 6.5 and 7.5, Modwright 36.5 and many others--none of these can touch the Herron VTSP-3A for accuracy of timbre, for sonic realism, or for beauty and clarity of sound. I am not a dealer, and I have no allegiance to Herron Audio other than the fact that I LOVE this preamp and highly respect the gentleman who has put so much effort into providing the best piece of equipment possible. The VTSP-3A is an absolute steal at its selling price. Billspecfoc inquired about the use of tube dampers or footers. I have not tried tube dampers and would not recommend them. If they would be a source of sonic improvement, you can be sure Keith Herron would ship the VTSP-3A with tube dampers. They are inexpensive and there would be no reason not to use them if they mattered on this preamp. Footers are another story--I highly recommend Stillpoints. I have installed them under every piece of gear in my system other than my Rowland Model 10 amp. This amp is so inert in its design that I did not notice any improvement when it was used with Stillpoints or any other footers or isolation devices. The Stillpoints add a worthwhile touch of clarity and focus to every other component in my system. Again, the clarity and focus that they add comes with no negatives--they do not instill any sterility or any clinical sound. They just sound RIGHT and true to my ears. As you undoubtedly can gather from my remarks, I highly value accuracy of timbre, clarity, detail, beauty or sweetness of sound in the sense of realism and liquidity, deep bass, and extended treble. The VTSP-3A and the Stillpoints exhibit these characteristics in spades. Give them both a try--you will not look back.
Luna and others: anyone has an opinion about the sound differences of VTSP-2 vs. Lamm LL2? It will be used with a McIntosh MC275.
I understand the differences in ergonomics and other features, but can't listen to both. I've talked to people who own the LL2 and the 275, but no one with the VTSP2 and 275.
