BAT Thoughts.....

i am a tube guy but my listening space get's too warm with the vk-55 tube amp. the vk-5i tube pre seems to be less of an issue. ever tried a tube pre/ss amp pairing? also, i will get another tube amp for the winter season and desire something with a bit more "creamy dreamy" presentation than the 55, which i found to be lacking in sound warmth (the unit itself could sure get warm!. the cary brand works for my ear but wondering if anyone has other thoughts?
So, that is why some people have different amps for summer and winter?
I have VK-200 and VK-30, and am trying to get a VK-55 or VK-60, or even VK-75 to be prepared for next winter. ;-)
If the BAT tube amps and preamp are producing too much heat but you still like the sound, have you considered their integrated?

I have no idea what the heat factor is with it, nor how it compares to what you currently have. I've heard the integrated with one level of tubes or another, and it sounded fantastic to my ears.
Even though I've just recently acquired a BAT product for the first time, I can confidently say they are more neutral and musical than most offerings available. Take a listen to VTL tubes perhaps?
I have had my rex power amp for about a week now and can say that it sounds better than any amp I have ever heard and I have heard many over my 40 years as an audiophile. Of course it runs hot--they all do, but the rex doesnt seem to run any hotter than average. Kudos to Victor!
Congratulations Wbk! The REX power amp has got to be one of the best kept secrets in hi-end audio today. Can't believe more people haven't been exposed to it.

It without a doubt is the best sounding amp I've come across in my almost 40yrs. of being into audio and 40+ yrs. of being a musician. IMO instrumental texture of tone is simply on another level of any other amp I've ever heard.

BTW, don't know if you bought your amp new, but if so I have to tell you to get ready to have a stupid dumbfounded grin on your face as it breaks-in. It just keeps on opening up with more and more detail and dynamic authority as this amp comes 'alive' it breaths music. Just when you think it can't get any better and your done the amp somehow seems to arrive at a new plateau of performance. I have a little over 300hrs on my REX mono-blocks and I still may not be done with the break-in process.
