Amp Power Conditioner or not?

I was moving some equipment around and plugged my amp - MF NuVista M3 w/ Nordost El Dorado cable - directly into the wall for what I thought would be a few minutes. To my surprise it sounds better. More open, smoother, less conjested, more three-dimentional. I think I'm going to leave it that way.

Anyone else have the same experience?
I have my amp plugged directly into the wall. I found it sounded better also.
I think a lot of people use these things when there is nothing wrong with the quality of the power at the receptacle.I guess it's because they read in a magazine or on an audio site that it's the "audiophile" thing to do.I have nothing against them if they are needed but often wonder how much degradation they do to sound if they are not really needed.Just my opinion,others may differ.
I agree with Tpreaves except I added an isolation transformer (2.4kva on a 15amp dedicated line). Might be overkill but for me it made a very minor difference but for the better so for me it's a keeper.