Z I sent off a reply today,but I had started it right after I recieved your email.Just got busy and I wanted to find a good web page for you.
As for Janis Ian, her Verve debut album mentions that she was 15 and after Wiki ing her birth date I just did the math.
Her "between the lines" came out about 1976 and is all contemporary stuff(to the best of my knowledge).I remember when it came out and "17"got lots of air time.Indeed,that is when I bought my copy that I have to this day.
I can understand how some may not care for her stuff;with all the self reflection on bad relationships.Joni Mitchell went down the same road, but less pathetically.
I personally was in your camp but lately have come to have more empathy and appreciation for women's plights in a male led society; especially in the 70's.
I hope you find the email I sent you helpful,and I hope that I piss off anyone with my last remarks.
As for Janis Ian, her Verve debut album mentions that she was 15 and after Wiki ing her birth date I just did the math.
Her "between the lines" came out about 1976 and is all contemporary stuff(to the best of my knowledge).I remember when it came out and "17"got lots of air time.Indeed,that is when I bought my copy that I have to this day.
I can understand how some may not care for her stuff;with all the self reflection on bad relationships.Joni Mitchell went down the same road, but less pathetically.
I personally was in your camp but lately have come to have more empathy and appreciation for women's plights in a male led society; especially in the 70's.
I hope you find the email I sent you helpful,and I hope that I piss off anyone with my last remarks.