Tube Preamp for Solid State Monoblocks?

Hi Guys/Girls of the Hi-fi World

I just acquired the Audio Zone D2 Monoblocks rated at 200wpc and of the Class D variety.

I have been hearing great things about a tube pre and solid state power amp combo and I think this would suit me well.

Any suggestions for a good tube pre (preferably under $700 used or new)?

Also, I already have a little dot MK III, would this be a good match?

Any input is greatly appreciated!
Iam also very interested in tube pre-amp. Unable to find a local dealer with a wide variety. Has any one tried Mac tube pre-amps with classe cam-400
A nice used Conrad Johnson PV-10, PV-11 or PV12 might do the trick for you. I had a PV-11 for several years with a SS power amp. Lovely combo, IMHO.
My only watchout would be impedance matching. Some of the Class D amps have a low input impedance (8-10K) and there are tube preamps with output impedances in the 1000s - those would not be good matches. Try to keep a minimum ratio of amp input impedance to preamp output impedance of 10X (that is a minimum!). Based on experience, I prefer a ratio of 40X or more.
I use a Modwright tubed pre-amp with my Bel Canto M300s and am very pleased. The tubed pre mates well with the Icepower amps. Synergy. I have no desire to change.