EAR 868 VS Belles 21A?

Just wondering if any of you guys have personally compared these two components together and how would you describe the sound?

I have not but I have compared many preamps to my 21A Auricap and I have always returned to the Belles. I did like a few more, the ARC Ref 3 provided a little more air, detail and was a little more musical but lost a little warmth and base, overall I like the ARC but not for several thousand more money. The same with the VTL 6.5, nice detail of the ARC, much better base, all around an improvement but at $11,500. I will be trying the new VTL 5.5 series II and would recommend trying before buying. I will look forward to seeing what you decide. PS, I found buying really nice well matched NOS tubes and stillpoints a wonderful upgrade on the belles.

What tubes are you running? I'm currently running the Mullards CV4003 and also have a pair of GE BP Mica 5814A that I may put back in since I believe they have better detail and soundstage presence.
hello wig, i find that i like raytheon 5814a and 12au7 in my 21a. also love sylvania 12au7 (organ labeled,conn or baldwin)plus brimar 13d5
Wig, I use a pair of Mirror Matched RCA 5814A from the 1950's. These tested very low Mic. and are the 3 Mica type. I got one set from Andy at Vintage Tube Service and they sounded so good I got a second set as backup. I am still using the first set after 4 years.