NAD 7140 VS Nakamichi TA 2A

It's been raining receivers at my local Thrift. Anyway I found two other receivers this week, and I am trying to decide which one to keep.
Nakamichi TA 2A. 50 WPC. Nice unit. Used it as a stand alone. And used it for a few days as a Pre. I like it. Would love to find the 4 A.
I have only briefly tested it, but I doubt there are any issues. A NAD 7140. When I tested it in the Thrift on low volume it almost blew me across the room. I was really surprised what it was putting out for a 40 WPC unit. It sounded more like a 100 WPC Unit. No joke
Any thoughts, or known issues on these units is welcomed. Which one would you keep? -Thanks-
I had the NAD 7140 at one time for about 10 years and you are right. It is a very powerful, conservatively rated 40 wpc with a lot of dynamic slam.

The pre/power amp sections of the NAD can also be used independently of each other.

The dynamics in older NAD products are more than in their newer products. Its a keeper.
I also used an NAD 7140 for many years and it's terrific. No experience with the Nak and it might be better, but the 7140 will serve you well.

The old trick with older NAD pieces was to immediately replace the pre out/amp in steel jumpers with interconnects/jumpers which immediately delivered a very palpable improvement.
Celtic66, the pre/amp, outputs/inputs do have interconnect jumpers in place of steel ones.
Still haven't hooked this up yet and given a good testing. I will early this coming week. The NAD has more features like MM/MC cartridge selector, and it has better speaker connections then the Nakamichi. The Nak has those lame clip connectors. You can replace them, but I am not interested in doing that.
I am still enjoying the Rotel RX 1050 find. So it's been hard to switch out the Rotel for a few days. I'll definitely get it done though.
With a solid power amp, two vintage receivers (Yamaha CR 2040 Anybody), the Rotel, and either the NAD, or NAK, something is going.
Well the NAD is superb. It not only sounds better then the Nakamichi, it sounds better then the Rotel RX 1050 easily. I am using Tannoy System 800 Speakers.