It's probably worth pointing out that the danger from lifting grounds is much higher with tube components. These typically have 300+ VDC - very deadly.
Also, this comment
"Having all of your high power equipment on one phase will overload the wiring, cause it to heat up (IxIxR) losses and cause the insulation to fail causing a major electrical fire"
seems a little out of touch in an audio context. It's unlikely that any audio circuit - no matter how powerful or loudly played - will draw as much current as a wall air conditioner. I don't know anyone who checks to make sure the air conditioner and refrigerator are on opposite phases. These two are a much bigger load than having your power amp and cd player on the same outlet.
Also, this comment
"Having all of your high power equipment on one phase will overload the wiring, cause it to heat up (IxIxR) losses and cause the insulation to fail causing a major electrical fire"
seems a little out of touch in an audio context. It's unlikely that any audio circuit - no matter how powerful or loudly played - will draw as much current as a wall air conditioner. I don't know anyone who checks to make sure the air conditioner and refrigerator are on opposite phases. These two are a much bigger load than having your power amp and cd player on the same outlet.