I understand what you are saying. However, in terms of electrical design and safety and codes, you never, never, never lift grounds. If there is a problem, hum, ground loops, etc. isolate the faulty piece of equipment or cable and fix or replace it. Like I implied earlier, all you need is for it to happen once for you to realize what a bad mistake you made by lifting the ground and compromising the electrical safety. That is, if you are still alive to talk about it. It may not be you. It may be a child or guest. I have experienced ground loops and hum before. I took the time to isolate the faulty equipment and fix or replace it. I'm very much into great music and accurate, detailed reproduction of the signals, but not at the cost of safety. Life is short enough as it is. I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade but, cutting corners and shortcuts are not the proper way. One should never advocate compromising safety.